Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Broken Beauty - Week 37 & 38

            I don’t know where to begin in sharing these past two weeks with you. The days have moved quick and I feel disorganized trying to arrange all that has happened. Since my last article, the Lord has been faithfully responding to the cries of my heart. He has shown me the choice I have in daily submission, the decision I have to enjoy it, and the opportunities I get to share it. God has been wonderfully kind to me and as I gather my thoughts for what words will come next I’m reminded of more our Savior has done. 
            Starting last Sunday, God presented me with two invitations I normally wouldn’t accept. Reluctant to spend time with people I casually know and unsure of how to hold it together, I engaged in these events and saw the openings Christ was giving me to strengthen connections. Sure my mind wanted to be at home in bed, isolated and lazy, in the comforts of my own home, but thankfully my spirit spoke louder and I got to partake in the bonding of community.
            Later in the week I took my clothes to a local laundry mat. I’ve done this once or twice since living in Los Angeles but it certainly isn’t my norm and I ran into someone that helped me learn a little more about purpose. After I loaded my clothes into the washers, I sat down to read a book that was required for school. Only a few sentences in, a homeless man (we’ll call him Taft) started up a conversation with me. He was hard to understand, drooling at the mouth, dirty, and quite incoherent. I engaged with him for about five minutes as he talked of prostitutes and the mob that he and his friend were trying to stay away from, then he excused himself and went outside for who knows what. I asked the laundry attendant if I could go sit on the washers as to move away from Taft, probably in his late 50’s, whom I knew would be back. Thankfully the attendant gave me allowance but when Taft came back he returned to me, asking if I could help untie the knot his clothes had spun. Giving assistance, another man came over and struck up a conversation with us. In doing so, Taft asked this newcomer to tighten up his pants with the string that was hanging from his front belt loops. I think it took the new guy a second to register what Taft had just asked him and my first thought was “wow, what a question!” Though Taft was everything I described earlier, he had started to sober up and seemed pretty capable to do this on his own. However, after a beat, I witnessed Taft have a complete stranger lift up his pants and tighten them up good. Oh wow-
            I had undone all Taft’s clothes by this point (2 mismatched shoes, a pair of jeans, and some raggedy socks), he thanked me and told me he’d give me a hug but he understood why he shouldn’t. I nodded my head but extended the hug anyway and it only got a little uncomfortable. Taft and the man came and went for the next 45 minutes or so, while I finished my clothes and continued reading. During one of their quick visits, engaging in brief conversations about different things, Taft asked me what was wrong with him. He told me how he felt gullible and taken advantage of. How he kept giving to his friend who continually got him into trouble and asked what he was to do. Luckily the second gentleman had come back by then and was quick to answer his questions in a supportive yet disregarding way. The two wandered away again and Taft left the mat. Turning back to my book, the next few sentences spoke to me. They talked about Jesus and how He freely gave for us. How our Lord continues to give and why we should give like Him. I felt as if Taft needed to hear these words but he had gone and I really didn’t feel comfortable with the idea of sharing this with him anyway. Finishing my laundry, gathering my things, I headed for the door as Taft walked back in. He didn’t see me and I had all the intention to just walk out that door but… I didn’t. I walked back to Taft, put down my basket, and asked if I could read him something. He agreed and I read to Him about Jesus. I was shaky and the laundry mat was surprisingly busy now, as if all these people had came out of nowhere. I finished the sentences, put my hand on Taft’s heart, and told him he was loved. He didn’t say much after that, but I tell you he looked like a completely different person. His eyes were clear, his face was composed, and he had just brushed his hair. I said goodbye to him and the man who had tightened up Taft’s pants was there as well. I shook his hand and thanked him for what he had done. He didn’t pay no mind to what I had said, but I thanked him again by saying I didn’t think many people would do what he did. I felt privileged to be there that night.
            In asking God to help me and bring me to places where He can be glorified, He certainly provided all that was asked, and if that’s not clear to how powerful Christ is, He did it again this past week.
            It’s been a little rough at work lately and things were in a really sour place for my boss, who was stressed to the max. I stepped outside, early in the day mid week and asked the Lord to mightily intervene. I told him I didn’t know how He was going to do it but asked if He could just make the next call the call my boss was waiting on. Well, 15 minutes later, my boss didn’t get a call, but he got an email. Halleluiah indeed! I got to share that story with my boss walking to lunch that day, but he didn’t seem too impressed because the email wasn’t exactly what he wanted. However, I did get a slight smile out of him and another co-worker walking with us said she thought it was pretty cool too. Praise God!
            In the midst of answering these prayers (among others) and giving me insight to different things I’m talking with Him about, my soul has been peaceful and He’s maintained my joy. I’d love to continue to write that everything’s been sunshine and rainbows since pouring my heart out to Jesus a couple weeks ago, and in the grand scheme of things, I guess it has been. But my surroundings pressure to take that away.
            Since I last made time to write out this journey, I’ve encountered several situations that not only irritated me but others that sadden my heart. My patience was tried and I felt the selfishness of others. There’s been a lack of professional communication in both my work and school life. I was blatantly ignored in person by one friend and got into a rather heated conversation with another. I’ve had my theological views questioned in a cheapened way, listened to others that seem rationally questionable, and made some decisions that could be questioned the same.  Life’s been difficult, I can’t say it’s been easy, but something about these two weeks has been wonderfully beautiful.
            The Lord has been faithfully by my side and I’m learning how to acknowledge more of His presence. How to worship Jesus throughout the day and find peace in His strength. Still how to communicate and listen or watch for His response. How to wait. How to stay in His Word. While He continues to teach me and bring joy to the world, I have to daily make that choice to press into His greatness. I have to balance the outlets of relieving world stressors and run the risk of being called preachy. I have to live in a way that resembles God’s love and continue to be judged by calling His name. Having to do these things, I have to make it clear, I choose to.
            I choose to because He makes the chaos wonderfully beautiful. I choose to because being apart of His power is thrillingly mind blowing. I choose to because I know that there’s nothing better and I choose to because I know He’s the Truth. Jesus, may Your kingdom continue to come! Restore this broken image. God may you illuminate the lives of Your creation and soften our hearts to the wonder of Your majesty. Let us draw close Lord, so You can draw close to us. For Yours is the power and glory forever. Hallelujah, Amen-


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Extending on Truths - Week 36

You would think because of my writings last week that I would have many praises to report, along with a detailed summary on my progressions in prayer. Truth is I’ve been moody and haven’t felt much interest in communication, or relationship at all. The days have been long, but annoyingly so, and I’ve focused only on the absence of my own greed. Not that my greed was absent because it’s rooted and grows. Without proper tending it consumes my mind and I’m led to distraction. Distraction that dulls and clouds all realities. Distraction that pollutes and distraction that kills. It’s my own self that keeps me from the majesties of Heaven and I wrestle with my sinful heart far more than I rejoice in the presence of Christ. 
I wrote to a dear friend last night saying I’m tired and disappoint myself. I’m disgusted by the doubleness of my life and pray to seekingly abide. I’m lazy in my walk and profess more than I devote. While my light may seem bright the shadows lurk deep. I struggle with commitment and abuse Christ with my own actions. While I want nothing more than to be utterly in love with my Savior my thoughts shout that’s not enough and I weep for the brokenness of my own heart. I told her that I wasn’t sure why my mood had been silent for a few days or why I haven’t felt like talking to anyone. There’s a lie and a greed all in the above.  
The truth of me grieving for my own broken heart may seem helpless and relatable but the selfishness behind it furthers my disgust. I can weep more for myself than for those who are lost. I can become selfish in nature and angry because I’m not getting what I want when I want it. While this egocentric behavior isn’t always in bloom, it felt so this week and my prayers suffered because of it. There’s a lie in the way I mentioned my confusion in silence. I know why I’ve been withdrawn and why I’ve minimized my conversations. I know why I haven’t responded to some and told others I’d call. It’s because I’ve been numbing myself and walking in shadows.
A big struggle of mine is treating my body as a temple. I’m slothful in fitness and intoxicate unnecessarily. The fitness comes and goes. It’s a lovingly hateful relationship, and I quite enjoy both the act and result of when I’m partaking. Shhhh don’t tell me I said that. However, the toxic ingestion that my flesh lies to love, bothers my spirit and tempers my relationship. I presume on the forgiveness that our Father unhesitatingly gives, asking for a pardon while continuing to abuse. I wonder if these things, which take away from my sobriety, affect the nature of my relationship with Christ and I play upon the notion that we continue to refine. But how can I wonder when there’s already truth found in my previous sentence? It: “bothers my spirit and tempers my relationship.” I know that clouding my temple takes away from His Spirit. Even in science there’s proof of a chemical hindrance and an attitude suppressant, but I selfishly engage because I know He forgives me. I willingly create barriers because I know that it’s temporary and here’s where my earthly relationships are affected as well.
If I’m enjoyably doing something that negatively affects my relationship with Christ, of course I’m going to withdraw from sharing these truths with others. I’m going to superficially engage in conversation (which I’m never too fond of) and because I’m exhausted in energy from polluting my rest, I’ll choose secluded isolation over any size engagement. How retched.
I waver on the definition of right and wrong then wonder what harm can come from a brief desensitizing. Truth is I’m not clear on the greyness of this but with words like, toxic, hindrance, suppressant, and tempers, all being termed in unfavorable ways, I ask for our Lord to continue to help me. I fell to my knees and asked Him to remove these stones. Not trying to take on this posture, my legs buckled beneath me, my shoulders felt heavy. I was pushed to the ground as the weight of my selfish sorrows pummeled me easy and I wasn’t here long, but just long enough. Down in the fetal I poured out my anchors. I sat in a genuine position of helplessness, giving it over, asking He’d take it. Unfailingly quick, composure sat in, reminding me earnestly that I’m undeservingly loved. I’m loved in a way, which says I’m deserved, and promised His goodness through all of these battles.
Continuing to press, I’m thankful for Truth. I’m thankful for certainty and the ability to know. I’m thankful for reminders and examples of trust because life can confuse and judgments can cloud. I know that there’s always refreshment in the love of our Savior and that His mercies are habitually new. I know there’s always a hope for making it better and I pray for a dedication to transcend all routine. I ask for a normalcy in the way we communicate and I’m certain Your intentions are nothing but best. God, allow me to know what’s not pleasing to You. Define what You’d wish and give me a strengthened courage to live in that light. Fill me oh Lord so I’m beyond satisfied with You and set me on fire so I seek to glorify Truth.  
I ask that the remaining weeks of this project accomplish Your will Father. May they illuminate the reality of Your majesty and give attention to the beauty of Your life. Help me Jesus to engage more with You. Heighten the joy of being in presence so my heart ceases to rage in the turmoil of self. Continue the good work You’ve started in this and carry on to reveal more of Your power. Lord I pray to pray. Please help me surrender. Amen-